Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What Does It Say About A Nation That Celebrates Columbus Day?

  Its says a lot about a nation that celebrates Columbus day because This holiday is controversial because the European settlement in the Americas led to the demise of the history and culture of the indigenous peoples.  Also This day idolizes a man which is wrong in my eyes. But we should also remember that he really didn't discover American, Indians were already here when he arrived. The settlement of Europeans in the Americas led to the deaths of a very large proportion of the native people. It has been argued that this was a direct result of Columbus' actions. It is clear that the arrival of the European settlers led to the demise of a large proportion of the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. It has also been argued that Columbus should not be honored for discovering the United States, as he only went as far as some islands in the Caribbean and never got as far as mainland America. So I say that it is wrong for a nation to celebrate columbus day, because ITS A LIE !!!!!!!!!

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